Our people make the difference
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Our employees at Rouveen Kaasspecialiteiten are committed to their craft. Despite working in the most modern cheese factory in the Netherlands, where most processes are robotised, it is still the people who invent, decide, taste and approve.

Healthy Together, Community-minded Together, Work Together. Our employees are guided by these mottos. Together we join in with sports activities or support charity fundraisers, such as the project Cycle for Hope.

Healthy Together

We cannot take good health for granted. A healthy lifestyle, which includes a balanced diet and enough exercise, contributes to good health. Rouveen Kaasspecialiteiten voluntarily supports its employees by engaging a lifestyle coach. The coach supports employees by giving advice on diet and exercise, but also by offering courses such as sleep training for night workers.

Community-minded Together

Rouveen Kaasspecialiteiten encourages its employees to cultivate a sense of community, with each other and the people around them. We stimulate this by organising activities which allow our employees to get to see another side of each other, by volunteering for regional and national causes (for example through NL Doet), and by supporting individual employees who work for a good cause in their own time. In our cooperative ‘Community-minded Together’ means cultivating responsibility for your fellow man.

‘Feel good about yourself, feel good about your work’

Work together

At Rouveen Kaasspecialiteiten we want our employees to know where they stand. We want our workplace values to be clearly understood so they can inform the way we work. We call that ‘Work Together’. Safety, quality and conduct in the workplace are laid down in protocol, and we make sure our employees understand these values. Sustainable employability is also a part of ‘Work Together’.

Sustainable employability is a policy which takes into account the specific circumstances and needs of employees in different phases of their lives and careers. The policy applies to all age groups. Rouveen Kaasspecialiteiten is both a pilot and a model company in the Dutch government campaign for sustainable employability.